
How can I view psd files in Explorer?

2022年3月15日 — To view PSD & AI thumbnails in Windows File Explorer, you'll need a shell extension like this one by SageThumbs (also free). https://www.

How to get .PSD Photoshop thumbnails to show in ...

2020年8月21日 — To be able to see the preview for multi-layered .psd files with Sagethumbs, you need to increase the maximum size of image file setting in the ...

How to Show PSD Icon Previews in Windows 10 File ...

2021年6月11日 — Here's a free utility that gives Windows the ability to properly display icon previews for popular file types like PSD in File Explorer.

In Windows 10, how do you get Photoshop PSD files to ...

2022年9月28日 — Go to the File Explorer > View tab ; Options > “Change folder and search options” ; Uncheck “Always show icons, never thumbnails”.

PSD Viewer Converter

This app is to view your PSD file. Surely, Photoshop can do the same thing, but it is too expensive to do just open a file.

PSD Viewer+

Best PSD viewer - view and manage PSD, PSB - export images to PNG, JPG, BMP. CORE FEATURES + Quickly view PSD, PSB. + Manage your PSD, PSB library.

Re: How can I view psd files in Explorer?

2022年3月15日 — If you mean you're trying to view PSD thumbnails in File Explorer in Windows 10 then Windows cannot do this natively. ... preview the files.


2022年3月15日—ToviewPSD&AIthumbnailsinWindowsFileExplorer,you'llneedashellextensionlikethisonebySageThumbs(alsofree).https://www.,2020年8月21日—Tobeabletoseethepreviewformulti-layered.psdfileswithSagethumbs,youneedtoincreasethemaximumsizeofimagefilesettinginthe ...,2021年6月11日—Here'safreeutilitythatgivesWindowstheabilitytoproperlydisplayiconpreviewsforpopularfiletypeslikePSDinFileExplore...

SageThumbs - 右鍵預覽縮圖+超快速批次轉檔

SageThumbs - 右鍵預覽縮圖+超快速批次轉檔
